An ignition interlock device (IID) is a small handheld car breathalyzer device and measures the amount of alcohol in the user’s breath. Installing one is a common requirement following a drunk driving offense (DUI, DWI, DUI, OWI, or OVI).
In simplest terms, an interlock device is an in-car breathalyzer that prevents a user from starting a vehicle until a breath alcohol test is taken. An ignition interlock device is a proper term for devices sometimes referred to as “in-car breathalyzer” or “car interlock” or “blow and go”. LifeSafer is the premier provider of all these systems at low cost in almost 2,000 convenient locations, one that is likely near you. Ready to install?
If the IID registers the breath test results (BAC or Blood Alcohol Concentration) over the pre-set limit, the vehicle will not start. If the driver’s breath test is below the pre-set limit, the vehicle will start. The interlock device needs to be serviced and calibrated at an authorized service center regularly. The length between these appointments is determined by state law but typically occurs every 30, 60, or 90 days. The LifeSafer device is the smallest and easiest to use on the market. Reserve your device today!?